Well Ordered, Living Well by Guy Prentiss Waters

Another new, valuable title just arrived from Reformation Heritage Books: “Well Ordered, Living Well: A Field Guide to Presbyterian Church Government” by Guy Prentiss Waters (100 pages). Henry Reeder writes, “This biblical, faithful, and accessible volume written for all Christians is more than useful and commendable—it is vital.”

A New Introduction to the Puritans: Following God Fully

I am happy to announce that “Following God Fully: An Introduction to the Puritans,” coauthored by Michael Reeves and me (Reformation Heritage Books, 160 pages, hardback) has just arrived! Sinclair Ferguson says that it is “simultaneously a splendid introduction, a refresher course, and a great read,” and Steve Lawson calls it a “must-read for all; you will find this book easily accessible to those new to the Puritans yet extremely insightful for those well studied in these spiritual stalwarts.” Enjoy!

New Book On Second Timothy

I am grateful to report that RHB has just released the 8th volume in the expository sermon series on the New Testament that Jon Payne and I are editing: “Second Timothy” by Michael G. Brown who pastors in Milan, Italy. These 13 sermons on Paul’s last letter are clearly written and packed full of pastoral helps. In God’s kind providence, I had the privilege of editing this book on a flight to Europe where I happened to meet the author in Milan the day after I finished editing his sermons! Highly recommended for pastors, office-bearers, and church members alike!

Second Timothy at Reformation Heritage Books

Jesus on Every Page

Jesus on Every Page 2

No one can give me a better gift than to help me to see Jesus. And there is so much to see in Him! All the fullness of God dwells in Him, and He fills us completely. Why then is it that we sometimes find reading the Bible a frustrating experience? Often it is because we do not approach the Old Testament equipped to see the Lord Jesus there.

This is where Dr. David Murray, Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology at our seminary, has helped us so much with his book, Jesus on Every Page: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament. With simplicity, clarity, and humility, David explains how the ordinary Christian can discover the glories of Christ in the Old Testament. Whether you are reading the story of Abraham, or the law of Moses, or the Proverbs of Solomon, this book shows how the whole Bible points to Jesus Christ.

Sinclair Ferguson writes,

With deceptive ease Dr. David Murray brings his readers on to the Road to Emmaus for a few hours of conversation about Jesus and the Old Testament. With an enviable grace and simplicity he teaches us how to read the Old Testament as Christians. Jesus on Every Page is a book on Christ-centered biblical interpretation that doesn’t involve complex grammatical, rhetorical, or hermeneutical complexities that cause the ordinary Christian (and pastor for that matter) to glaze over and despair. Rather, as a most agreeable companion, Professor Murray walks alongside us and points out the most important landmarks we need to notice if we are to make our ways through the Old Testament for ourselves and see how it points to Christ.

Far from talking down to us from the lofty heights of technical Old Testament scholarship (although he is familiar with them), he tells us that he once sat where most of us sit. But then, as a quality teacher, he is able to help us learn what he himself has so obviously done. Here, then, is an ideal primer for beginners, a great refresher course for anyone who has got lost in the woods attempting to read Scripture the Emmaus Road way, and a wonderful reminder to us all that it was Jesus himself who taught us that he is at the heart of the entire Bible, and not just the right hand side of it!

So I encourage you to read this book, and buy copies for your pastor(s) and office-bearers. Your church will be greatly enriched!

New Book from Dr. Jerry Bilkes

Have ever reached into the pocket of an old set of clothes and discovered a wad of money? Maybe those pants hung in the back of the closet, neglected for months, and suddenly you are thanking God for a boost to your cash flow. That’s the way I feel about a new book from my colleague, Dr. Jerry Bilkes. He has taken something old and neglected, and shown us how it is full of profit.

Memoirs of the Way HomeMemoirs of the Way Home is a book about Ezra and Nehemiah, but it is far from the obscure and technical commentaries we sometimes associate with the study of the Old Testament. While Jerry walks the reader through these biblical books text by text, he helps us to see that we are not just studying ancient history, but learning how God lovingly calls people to come back to Him, even when they have wandered far, and helps them to rebuild their lives. Each one of Jerry’s short chapters brings us handfuls of spiritual insights and personal applications. The book also comes with study questions well-suited for small groups, Sunday School classes, or family worship. I heartily recommend it to you!

Forgotten Puritan Remembered in England

St. Helen’s Church—Ashby-de-la-Zouch: The parish church of Ashby where Hildersham preached throughout his ministerial career as lecturer and vicar.

St. Helen’s Church—Ashby-de-la-Zouch: The parish church of Ashby where Hildersham preached throughout his ministerial career as lecturer and vicar.

Arthur Hildersham (1563–1632) was an influential Puritan preacher in late Elizabethan and early Stuart England. Though little known today (his works have not been reprinted in modern times), his preaching was quite popular. He gave his hearers solid, doctrinal sermons that perhaps did not move the emotions as much as more gifted speakers but fed their souls. His published sermons include 108 messages on John 4. He also suffered for his Reformed convictions, first when his Roman Catholic parents disinherited him, and then later when the Church of England’s bishops had him suspended from ministry and imprisoned. Reformation Heritage Books recently published a biography of Hildersham, and its author, Dr. Lesley Rowe had an opportunity to give an address at Hildersham’s parish in England.

Interior: Since Hildersham's time, some aisles have been added and the pews replaced. Hildersham is buried in the chancel, toward the top of the photograph.

Interior: Since Hildersham’s time, some aisles have been added and the pews replaced. Hildersham is buried in the chancel, toward the top of the photograph.

Dr. Rowe shares, “Over 100 people attended the lecture in St Helen’s Church, Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Hildersham’s church), which was a great encouragement. Some had travelled from as far afield as Rochdale, London, and Cambridge to be present, but most of the people came from the Midlands, with a good number from Ashby itself. The current vicar of Ashby, Brian Robertson, introduced the evening by reading Hildersham’s prayer of 1625, which he prayed before his lectures in 1625, and by reading Psalm 51:1–7, on which Hildersham had delivered 152 lectures. I then spoke for about 40 minutes, describing Hildersham’s life and ministry in Ashby and explaining why he was so loved and revered in the town. Afterwards I took questions. At the end, I signed and sold nearly 40 copies of the book. Many people expressed their appreciation, and also said they had not realised what an important figure Hildersham was.”

Thomas Manton on the Need for More Sound Books

Thomas Manton

Thomas Manton

A good friend sent me this remarkable quotation from Thomas Manton today on why we still need to keep writing and reading sound, biblical literature:

There is no end of books, and yet we seem to need more every day. There was such a darkness brought in by the fall, as will not thoroughly be dispelled till we come to heaven; where the sun shineth without either cold or night. For the present, all should contribute their help according to the rate and measure of their abilities. Some hold up a candle, others a torch; but all are useful. The press is an excellent means to scatter knowledge, were it not so often abused.

All complain there is enough written, and think that now there should be a stop. Indeed, it were well if in this scribbling age there were some restraint. Useless pamphlets are grown almost as great a mischief as the erroneous and profane.

Yet tis not good to shut the door upon industry and diligence. There is yet room left to discover more, above all that hath been said, of the wisdom of God and the riches of his grace in the gospel; yea, more of the stratagems of Satan and the deceitfulness of man’s heart. Means need to be increased every day to weaken sin and strengthen trust, and quicken us to holiness.

Fundamentals are the same in all ages, but the constant necessities of the church and private Christians, will continually enforce a further explication. As the arts and slights [expertise] of besieging and battering increase, so doth skill in fortification. If we have no other benefit by the multitude of books that are written, we shall have this benefit: an opportunity to observe the various workings of the same Spirit about the same truths, and indeed the speculation is neither idle nor unfruitful.

—Cited from Manton’s letter to the reader in The Works of Richard Sibbes, 3:3.

Pre-Publication Sale at Logos

logo_logos_5Logos has asked me to let readers of my blog know that they are offering The Select Works of Joel R. Beeke at the pre-pub order price of 22% off. It’s a collection of 28 books I authored, co-authored, or edited. Go here to check it out.

ReformedCast on A Puritan Theology

ReformedCast Logo Trim

I am grateful to Scott Oakland for his interview with me on ReformedCast about A Puritan Theology. We discuss how the book came into being as a collaborative effort with Mark Jones, what “Puritan theology” means as compared to Reformed theology, the divisions of theology, the succinct summary of theology in the Marrow by William Ames (who greatly influenced New England theologians), the importance of a sound covenant theology, the beauty of Christ’s compassion for every believer on earth, and other topics in the book. The podcast is available here.

A Puritan Theology

1500 copies of A Puritan Theology going to Ligonier

1500 copies of A Puritan Theology going to Ligonier

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life continues to sell well. Today we shipped out 1500 copies to Ligonier for their February conference where Dr. Mark Jones and I will be speaking about our book. Also, today we were able to send to the printer a 200-page paperback,  Encouragements for Today’s Pastors: Help from the Puritans, coauthored by Terry Slachter and myself. It should be available by mid-January.

Tomorrow I’m heading to Ontario with my wife Mary and daughter Lydia where we hope to see Victoria and dozens of extended family members, then preach in Burgessville on Sunday.